Clear the password fields and save the file. In the Save As dialog, click Tools (next to the Save button) and General Options. On the main page, click on the second option (Remove Worksheet, Workbook Password) to unprotect worksheets. Install TunesBro Excel Password Recovery after downloading it from the TunesBro website, and launch the application. Unprotect ('007') Save the file workbook. Open (myPath) Unprotect the protected workbook using the password workbook. Unauthorized downloading and duplicating on YouTube channel and any other media platform is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will lead to punitive measures. In reply to Massive Timesinks post on April 30, 2013. Step 1 Install TunesBro Excel Password Recovery on PC. Application Specify the protected Excel file path Dim myPath As String 'd:test1InteropOutputProtectedWorkbook.xlsx' Open the Excel file Dim workbook As Workbook excelApp. Using of this video on other channels without prior permission will be strictly prohibited. ? P l e a s e D o n ' t f o r g e t t o L i k e, S h a r e, C o m m e n t & S U B S C R I B E o u r C h a n n el f o r m o r e V i d e o s. ❤️ T h a n k y o u f o r w a t c h i n g.
How to protect excel file, how to send read only file in excel, Password on excel, how to set password in excel, how to make read only on excel, how to disable read only in excel, how show and hide files in windows, how to make excel files with protect password, How save excel file with password, how to edit and save as in excel files, How to make read only in excel files, how to set password on excel, how to set protect From the Advanced settings menu, mark the "Show hidden files, folders, or drives" and uncheck "Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)" Click the drop down for Options and select "Change folder and search options" Select the View tab.

Select the View tab and, in Advanced settings, select Show hidden files, folders, and drives and OK. Select View - Options - Change folder and search options. View hidden files and folders in Windows 10 Select the Protect Workbook box and choose Encrypt with Password.Įnter a password in the Password box, and then select OK.Ĭonfirm the password in the Reenter Password box, and then select OK. , and then click Save or Save As if you have previously saved the document.Ĭlick the Read-only recommended check box.